Too much free time on my hands
All I can think of right now is the hot afternoons in a clammed, yellow school bus where a very dear friend of mine, and I used to yap non-stop for about an hour each day. Ayn Rand, Richard Bach, ideas, careers, jokes from Readers Digest, music and god knows what else... It did not matter that we were all of 15 years old, that horns used to blare perpetually and that our lungs were dying a slow, painful death in Delhi's atrocious traffic. We talked and giggled, just like that.
I clearly remember her bobbing head, "hyrda-like" hair (she was a Bio geek, and that was her joke btw) and mischievous grin as she casually quoted Eleanor Roosevelt, "Great minds talk about ideas, average minds talk about events, and small minds talk about people." Oh yeah! And then we grinned thinking how great we were (haha). She chose to pursue medecine and I'm more than certain that she will make one of the finest doctors that the world has ever seen, seriously.
I can't help but think and reflect on that quote today. How much time do we spend trying to smoothen the knots in our relationships? Talking and thinking about fleeting emotions and people? And yet, that is what makes us feel real and human, right? But is it worth it? Maybe not, coz these complications are mental speed brakers that prevent one from accelerating, from contributing to the world wholeheartedly. But can every road always be smooth? And can and should one stop flying coz of the fear of the fall? Geez, I have too much free time on my hands :)