"Be the change you wish to see in this world"
"Be the Change you wish to see in this world" - Gandhi
The purpose of this entry is not to discuss Gandhi, who may or may not be a controversial figure. This post is about the quote which is so simple that ironically, we miss its message.
One of my friends said, "I am tired of being taken for granted by the whole world". But sweetheart, did you ever think that you yourself could be taking life for granted? That you may not be appreciating this life and the world enough? Be the change you wish to see in this world...
Along the same lines, we condemn the entire world for harboring hatred, waging wars etc. day in and day out. But when people like us who are privileged in many aspects can hold grudges and hate for no 'real' reason (and I include myself in there), then those who do pick up arms and become terrorists are almost justified-- coz they have real grievances. I am not in favor of taking human life under any circumstance; all I am saying is that if we consider terrorism wrong, then we, as privileged and educated people do not have any reason to hold grudges. Life is too short and there is too much love to spread, there are too many things to change (however sappy that sounds). Be the change that you wish to see in this world...
funny story thr.. i am a guy who's obssessed with keeping my surroundings clean, not tidy, but clean. As the adage goes, Cleanliness begins from ur home.. and yet, whenever try doing that, like not throwing ice-cream cups or even a hal-eaten apple on the road, I am branded with wierd names like fun-guy (sic!).. and that's sad, coz the counter-argument comes up ki forget it bhai, it's biodegradable.. but that completely misses the point doesn't it??
It's just like you said. "Be the change ..." But again, as I keep on saying over and over and over again, you need support, you need people to not badger you continuously over doing something strange, which btw, might just turn out to be to your own good... Gosh!! Stealing another line from some other post of urs, we must do something, we MUST...
9:25 AM
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